Shelby Systems’ Check-In feature has been a helpful tool for many churches and non-profit organizations for quite some time now. The reason it remains a success is because of the benefits it provides for its users.
Check-In tracks attendance, which is a quick and efficient way to keep your member and visitor information updated and organized. If you haven’t had someone attend a service in a while, it is easy to find that information with your Check-In feature and reach out to that person. Using a touchscreen monitor, a bar-coded ID badge system, or kiosks to help you manage attendance, you are given a variety of options for how you want to count heads.
The Christmas holiday just passed, but by tracking your attendance numbers year-round, you will be able to see what weekends were most successful and what is working (and what isn’t) in your church.
The downside of high attendance is, of course, safety. A simple mistake can happen anywhere, but in a place like childcare, mistakes need to be minimal. Safety and peace of mind are extremely important when dealing with young children, so by implementing nursery security capabilities with receipts, labels and time-stamped records, you will know where your members and children are at all times.
If you are already using Shelby’s Check-In, what do you think of it?