
When you are trying to stay in touch with your congregation and get parishioners excited about what’s going on in church, using a texting service can get your younger members engaged more readily. Teenagers respond faster to texts than they do to any other form of communication, and a church that is able to text is more likely to reach Millennials.

Millennials Use Their Technology Frequently:
Millennials rely on their mobile devices like no other generation. 83% of Millennials have their cell phone next to them while they sleep at night. Cell phones are seen as a necessity to Millennials, and 41% report not having a land line installed in their home.

Create a Social Media Presence to Interact with Your Congregation:
The younger generation also uses social media frequently, and this is a great way to get initial messages out to your church members. Status updates get buried in news feeds. It’s important to follow up social media posts with targeted, automatic text messages to keep your church members both informed and reminded of events to come. These messages can be personalized for various groups within the church, or for each individual receiving the texts.

Tips for Texting:

  • Reach each ministry group easier with a group text, create content that is specific for the ministry you want to reach.
  • Create ministry lists and send out group text surveys to the group easily with a texting service for churches.
  • Send out relevant happenings in the news that might interest your Millennials. This is a way to show your younger members that you are paying attention and that you value their input.
  • Reach your members who may be in need of inspiration by sending out a relevant bible verse.

Source: Ministry Tech

Text messaging is the most essential communication source with young adults. When you want to get your message across, there is no better way than to use the technology that Millennials use every day.

Learn how your church can reach Millennials (with Shelby Software) by contacting one of our Ministry Consultants today!