The other day, I talked a little about prayer making a difference in our lives, and how God helps us by either responding or leaving some of those prayers unanswered.
I’ve been thinking a lot about one of my friends who is (admittedly) not a believer. During a discussion at church a few weeks ago, I realized I had never prayed for her salvation.
I had talked with my friend before about God, the Bible, and going to church with me, but never had much success with any of it. In an older blog post, I talked about some of the challenges that come with spreading the gospel, but I had forgotten the most important thing that we can do for others. Pray.
I struggle with always finding the right words to say when someone has doubts about God, but I figured that talking to him/her was as much as I could do.
Because somehow I had always thought, “Why ask God to do something that He already yearns for? He already knows what He’s doing in each of our lives, so praying for my friend’s salvation seems a little silly.”
God wants us all to have a relationship with Him, but not everyone does. Besides trying to live the best I can in accordance with the Bible, I can also pray for guidance with my words. I can pray for an opportunity to arise where my friend can hear more about the gospel.
“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” -1 Timothy 2:3-4.
We are meant to be used for the very purpose of telling others about God, and He can make it easier for us if we just ask. It seems like such a simple idea, but it’s amazing how easily we can forget it.
Do you ever struggle with what you should pray for?