Yesterday’s horrific news of the Oklahoma tornado was enough to bring our country together and into mourning for all who were affected. We are thinking of you all today and want to help in any way that we can.
We would like to offer hosting and restorative assistance for anyone who needs it while the healing and rebuilding process takes place. We are available by phone at (800) 697-4352 or by email at
To those of you in other locales that have experienced loss due to weather related problems, please contact us if we can help similarly.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
According to the Washington Post, “You can donate directly to the Red Cross Disaster Relief fund online or by texting “REDCROSS” to 90999. (Texting a donation, to the Red Cross or any of the following organizations, will charge $10 to your cellphone plan.) The organization is also encouraging donors to give blood at their local hospital or blood bank.”
They also mention the Salvation Army’s relief fund by saying, “Salvation Army: The Salvation Army’s disaster response units plan to serve three meals a day in the areas hardest hit by the tornado. You can donate online or by texting “STORM” to 80888.”