As the saying goes, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Spring cleaning, whether at home or work, can be a big undertaking. But if you are looking for a little motivation, check out these 5 major benefits of spring cleaning according to a article: 

  1. It increases productivity: The process can increase energy levels. 
  1. It is healthy: Removing toxins and allergens from your environment can make you feel healthier. 
  1. It makes you happy: It gives you a sense of satisfaction – putting you in a good mood. 
  1. It reduces stress: The process can be therapeutic, and the end result will make you feel more organized. 
  1. It helps you focus: Clearing out the clutter will free up your brain for more essential decision-making. 

The same theme applies to your ministry. This is a great time to revisit your total ministry solutions.  

How many different vendors are you having to manage? 

What are you doing manually which should be automated? 

Are your accounting tools integrated with your giving tools? 

Are your giving tools integrated with your membership management programs? 

What are those tasks that are taking away time that you could be spending on your mission? Ministries partner with Shelby Systems because we offer a complete software solutions package to manage all aspects of your business. 

At the onset of the pandemic, we saw a surge in demand for online giving. Ministries could not rely on face-to-face options, so those who didn’t have online giving options in place were scrambling to do so. As a result, some ministries have seen a 50% reduction in their offertory while others have had an increase.  

If you would like to learn how to spring clean your ministry tech stack, let’s talk. 

If you would like to test drive the most comprehensive online giving solution at no cost, click here.