
1976 was an awesome year! Here is a peek back at some things that were going on that year.


    Gallon of gas: $0.59

    Gallon of milk: $1.65

    Dozen of eggs: $0.84

    First-Class Stamp: $0.13

    New Home Price: $48,000

    Median Household Income: $12,686

Major events of the year:

January – March

    “The Bionic Woman” debuts on NBC

    Super Bowl X

    ABC-TV broadcast premiere of 1965 hit “The Sound of Music”

    Walt Disney logs its 50 millionth guest

    First female cadet accepted to West Point

    Peyton Manning Born

April – June

    Apple Computer Company founded by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs

    NBA and ABA agree on merger

July – September

    United States celebrates bicentennial

    “Family Feud” game show premieres

    Son of Sam strikes in New York

    “Alice” debuts on CBS

October – December

    Red Dye No.4 is banned by the USFDA

    Jimmy Carter elected president

    “Rocky”, starring Sylvester Stallone, premieres in New York

    Tony Dorsett wins Heisman trophy

This is also the year that Shelby Systems was born!

We have had an awesome first 40 years. We met some great people and worked with amazing ministries along the way. We are positioning ourselves and our products to effectively handle the next 40 as we continue to help ministries and organizations thrive. We are looking forward to more awesome years ahead!