In everyday life, you often hear people complaining about bad customer service, hidden fees or slow responses. Because of this, you can see many companies setting new goals or marketing strategies to resolve (or hide) these issues. Those tactics don’t ever seem to work very long and the companies still lose credibility if their customer service is… er… inadequate.
One of our main focuses is keeping our customers happy and progressive. This cannot be done if you are spending too much time trying to figure out a product or avoid its glitches. We never want your experience with Shelby Systems to be like that, so we offer things like a support line that is open seven days a week for our Arena products (five days for Shelby v.5), as well as free training that we include when you choose to do business with us. The reason we are here is to make sure that you are satisfied and your needs are met. We have online support as well as podcasts and blogs (cough cough) to keep you up-to-date with what we are doing and why it is relevant to you. We also have email support with all of our new updates and how-to information. For a more hands-on experience, we offer training at our headquarters in Memphis, TN, or we can send a trainer to you for help.
In my opinion, too much time is spent nowadays sitting on hold or listening to a recording over the phone. Customer service is what determines a lot of an organization’s success, and we want to put the pride that we have in our company right into your ministry. If you need assistance with your Shelby Systems product or have questions about purchasing a Shelby product, please contact us today!