The opening session for MPower19 was a huge success. The ballroom was packed with Ministry Brands customers in eager anticipation of the event.

We kicked off at 8:30 am with Ministry Brands Managing Director: Daniel Simmons. He shared his story and explained how he first became passionate about ministry software. Many of the questions customers have been asking about the Ministry Brands vision were answered in detail.

Next, concert pianist: Jeff Bennett led us in a wonderful 15 minutes of praise and worship. Attendees stood and sang: Forever, How Great is our God and Lamb of God. Jeff finished with a beautiful piano solo.

Immediately after praise and worship, Brian Seagraves interviewed three Ministry Brands General Managers from Shelby Systems, F1 and Elexio. The managers explained how they are working together to deliver a single cutting-edge product that allows you to continue a relation with your preferred brand. Ministry, after all, is about people and relationships.

Everyone was dismissed promptly at 9:30 am. Break-out classes and one-on-one sessions continue through the day with concentrated learning sessions.

We’ll have more blog reports live from the conference all this week.

Keep in mind that if you couldn’t attend the MPower conference this year, you can still watch the live stream of tomorrow’s keynote address. Just follow the instructions in the email you received recently.

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