Each year, non-Christians try to invent new ways to further secularize Christmas so that it can be a holiday celebrated by everyone, regardless of their faith.
As Christians, we spend more and more time getting frustrated with secularism, but we might actually be part of the problem. We are just as guilty as non-believers of creating meaningless rules for our traditions, such as waiting to decorate until after Thanksgiving (or December first) or hitting the stores first thing on Black Friday. One day, we’re giving thanks with family and friends, and the next, we’re pushing people over at Walmart for the latest Tickle Me Elmo.
Don’t get me wrong… I love Christmas and all that comes with it, but after taking a look at my own actions, I realized that I am also guilty of sometimes treating it as a secular holiday, instead of a celebration in honor of our Savior’s birth.
If you took away the nativity scene, the advent calendar, and the one hour Christmas Eve church service that you go to, is your Christmas celebration much different than someone who celebrates a secular Christmas?
For me, this question was convicting. How do you try to incorporate God more into your Christmas traditions?