As we all know, there are many ways to support your church. Time and talents are just as important to acknowledge. Here are some ways to show appreciation to those who give of their time and talents.

Send a thank-you card when a member goes above and beyond. This is a very impactful way to show appreciation. This can be a phone call, email, or handwritten note. Whatever the medium, it’s the message that matters — make it personalized.

Have a large group to say thank-you to? Email them to show your appreciation. Tell them the impact of their gift(s) and how that was a blessing to your ministry or congregation.

Place an announcement in the bulletin or newsletter (print or electronic). After a campus work day or a large event, give a shout-out to those who served. It might be difficult to find time to handwrite and mail thank-you cards to a large group, but the message will not go unappreciated when your volunteers see the gratitude in print!

Make a verbal announcement during the service. Again, when large groups of people come to serve, ensure there is time pre- or post-service to make a special announcement of appreciation.

Share a message on social media. Post pictures and videos of your volunteer groups with a meaningful message of gratitude. Social media can be a great way to interact with your congregation, and posts like these allow others to see the impact their time and talents can have on their church and community.

Never underestimate the power of a personal thank-you and hug! Some of the best ways to say thank you are in person. Sharing thankfulness face-to-face can be a great way to connect with your church members. A simple, “Wow, Jane, we really couldn’t have pulled off VBS without your help! Thank you so much for all you did to share the love of Jesus and help our kids make lasting memories!” can mean the world to a volunteer to hear.

Tell your church’s story. Verbalize thanks. Have the pastor or church president express thanks to the congregation for their faithful service. Add a section to the video or presentation that includes thanksgivings for the blessings of time and talent. Show pictures and videos from service trips, facility work-days, or Sunday School teachers and their students to show that when God’s people come together to serve, exciting things can happen in both the church and the community!

Host an appreciation event. Have a yearly appreciation event at your church celebrating how God has worked through His people. Cater a meal or punch and cake. Allow church leaders and ministry staff to communicate their gratitude. Show a video that highlights the previous church year. Communicate the ideas and plans of the year ahead and ask your church family to find something they are passionate about and to get involved.

Showing appreciation does not have to be an expensive process. It can happen through many different mediums — print, verbal, electronic — none of which require an expensive or flashy presentation. Overall, it’s not what the message looks like that matters. It’s what the message says.

Source: Ministry Tech


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