Easter is the #1 time of the year to reach out to those who seldom attend church.
Here are eight simple tips your church can use to prepare for Easter.
1. Reach out to the dechurched – Easter is the perfect opportunity for your church to try something new (focus on reaching the dechurched in your community).
2. Enlist extra volunteers – for several different areas of service (children, greeters, parking lot attendants, etc.) in the church.
3. Consider service or venue – Easter can often be used as a launching point for a new service, site, or venue.
4. Promote small groups – Easter is a prime time to connect people to a small group or enroll them in a membership class.
5. Take the opportunity to improve the facility – (clean up the clutter) it’s important to make a good first impression.
6. Reconsider welcome cards – Welcome cards are your only opportunity to know exactly who was new to your church.
7. Get your website ready – Remember to update your church’s website with any changes to times or schedules you may make for Easter.
8. Consider Facebook ads – include your service times, location, phone and web address on an Easter image (as in the example above).