
How similar are songs between pop idol Katy Perry and American Christian hip hop artist FLAME? When It comes to content I’d say they couldn’t be more different; however there has been a connection made between these two artists recently. FLAME’s song, ‘Joyful Noise’, and Perry’s hit, ‘Dark Horse’, are similar in rhythm/beat and therefore a lawsuit has developed regarding copyright infringement.


On top of copyright there is also the issue of possible negative reputation occurring due to their combating subjects. Perry’s 2014 hit, ‘Dark Horse’, is about a man falling in love with a witch. FLAME’s song, ‘Joyful Noise’, declares that the Lord lives forever therefore make a joyful noise. Two topics could not be more different; yet the average ear can pick up on the similarities in rhythm/beat.


Only the Lord knows how this one will turn out. With a lawsuit like this one it feels like it’s the world versus Christians. People quickly pick a side and back their stance with strong opinions. The reason being, nothing gets people fired up more than threatening their gods. Katy Perry is worshiped by many people in this world for her beauty, talent and riches. Yet there is only one true God and He does not need anyone to defend Him. He will not share His throne with another. He is extremely gracious to all, even to those who denounce Him. (The wages of sin is death. [Romans 6:23] Therefore the fact that we are alive for a time on this earth is an act of grace.) Scenarios like this should serve as a reminder of the spiritual battle that is at hand.  


I feel we should pray for FLAME during this time. Pray that FLAME would seek the Lord and represent Christ well. Pray that he would patiently wait on the Lord for guidance and that he would be obedient to the Spirit.  Pray that the Lord would be exalted and honored through this matter. Pray God would change many hearts along the way so that they would know the true life given only through Jesus. The Lord changing hearts is a reason to make a joyful noise indeed!! 

Photo Credit: marfis75 via Compfight cc