On August 9, 2012, Shelby Systems wrapped up our first annual Arena.Core conference, where dozens of Arena developers gathered to brainstorm and collaborate ideas for our browser-based software.
Arena.Core is an uncompromisingly deep dive into the technology of Arena and is designed to equip, educate, and inspire the Arena Community Developers. We dedicated this conference to helping the developers to maximize the power of Arena in their ministries.
In this podcast, you will hear excerpts from our President/CEO Frank Canady and the subjects that were addressed by an incredible line-up of facilitators. You will also get a glimpse of the community development for Arena during Show and Tell and then hear Mike Gold’s closing prayer, where he describes how the programmers’ talents are dedicated to their ministry work.
Visit www.shelbysystems.com/podcast to listen to today’s show. Subscribe and you’ll receive each new show automatically. ShelbyPODCAST is also available on YouTube, Vimeo, and iTunes.