If your ministry is considering a migration to Shelby’s Arena software, you might want to hear from other Shelby customers who have already been through the process. These brief comments were recorded at a recent Shelby event and highlight these customers’ conversion experiences. If these videos have piqued your interest and you would like to learn more about the move from v.5 to Arena, just visit shelbysystems.com/arena to see a free overview video or schedule a personalized demo. If you would like to talk to a live Shelby representative about the move to Arena, we are always ready to answer your questions at: 800-877-0222.
“We recommend Arena for all of our churches.”
“We started with v.4, moved up to v.5, made the move to Arena Select and then to Premium.”
“I’m here to learn all about Arena so I can take it back to my church.”
“We have recently migrated to Arena, and I love the technological advances in it.”
“We are a 3 year convert to Arena, and I can’t say enough about the customer support.”
“We are thinking about moving to Arena. I love Shelby and would recommend it to anyone.”
“We are currently converting to Arena. We think this is the best way to go.”
“We love using Arena to check in our 1,500 children that come each weekend to our service.”
Bonus Material:
See what these long time Shelby customer have to say about our software…
“We’ve had the privilege of being with Shelby Systems for 13 years now. It’s been reasonably priced, and it’s the best designed software for churches that we know of.”
“I’ve been with Shelby now for 8 years. I am really impressed with how they have grown over those 8 years and the way the products have improved.”