work in progress

Let’s thank the Lord together. Let’s thank the Lord for the many blessings He has given us but let’s also thank Him for the blessings that are to come. That’s right, let’s thank Him for the blessings we don’t even know that we need that are to come and the blessings we feel we need that for whatever reason have not yet been given. God has our best interest in mind therefore we can trust that the Lord has great things in store for our future.


Do you remember where you came from? Can you remember who you were before you came to know Christ? As believers we are not who we once were and though we have come a LONG way God is not finished molding and changing us into who He wants us to be. Apart from our initial salvation knowing that God is constantly molding us to be more like Him is one of my favorite topics to think about. This truth fills me with hope!! Now don’t get me wrong; I am still in many ways a “mess”. I fall short of my goals the majority of the time, which I realize is not very impressive. BUT I am thankful the Lord has taught me to cut myself a bit of slack because I am not the finished product yet.


My friends and I have a saying for those times when things go wrong and we can’t exactly pinpoint the problem;  we say with shoulders in mid shrug “something missed”. I have debated getting t-shirts made with this logo on them so those who come into contact with me can be immediately informed. (Let me know if you want to order one!!)  Yet it never fails, as soon as I am determined to send my t-shirt to print the Lord reminds me how far I have come. I can either be discouraged by thinking I am spiritually impaired or I can thank Him for how far He has brought me. So to thank Him a step further let’s take a moment to appreciate the Lord for the blessings He has not yet bestowed upon us. We might not know how or when but we can trust that He has our best interest at heart and He is more dedicated to our spiritual growth then we are. He will change us in His good and perfect timing. After all, He who began the good work in us will bring it to completion. (Phil 1:6) The Lord has a perfect record so I’m going to hold on to this promise with excitement!!


Happy Friday!! Do you have any slogans that describe seasons in your life like the above example “something missed”? I look forward to hearing from you!!