An online music competition intended for local musicians, received one entry that has changed many lives. Green Shoe Studio in Peoria, IL received an entry from 96 year old Fred Stobaugh that was not a video file, but an actual physical envelope stuffed with handwritten notes and lyrics. To make things even more interesting, Fred is not musically inclined in any way. However, when you have a love as great as Fred’s love for Lorraine, you will not let such limitations get in your way.


Despite the fact that Fred’s entry did not meet the competition criteria, Jacob Colgan of Green Shoe Studio was intrigued. He was so intrigued after receiving the contents that he contacted Mr. Stobaugh and by way of collaborated efforts, the song ‘Oh Sweet Lorraine’ was born. It has since reached number 7 on iTunes!!!


Watch this video; it will uplift your spirit to see one man go out of his way to help another man. You will be reminded that there are many things in this life worth singing about. Let’s not forget that our God loved us so much that He made a way for us to be with Him forever, song worthy indeed!!


What makes you want to sing?