fund raising

This is the first installment in a series on encouraging generous giving in your church. As we begin to enter the giving season, be watching over the next several weeks for tips to help fund your ministry’s goals and vision.

From church youth groups to sports teams to missions trips to non-profit businesses: no matter what your ministry or endeavor, if you need to raise money to put a project in motion, these 8 tips will help you make your fundraiser more successful.


  1. BE ENTHUSIASTIC – People don’t want to give money away, but they do want to be a part of a great cause, an exciting dream, or a bold vision. So when you ask for a donation, have enthusiasm and energy!
  2. ASK PEOPLE TO JOIN YOUR TEAM – When you ask people to give you money, you’re asking them to join your team. So make sure you tell people why they need to be a part of your cause or mission.
  3. REMEMBER GENEROSITY IS CONTAGIOUS – A recent study showed that 85% of the time, people donate to a cause when they are asked. People are looking for ways to be unselfish, kind, and benevolent. Give them that opportunity!
  4. DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK – The fear of asking prevents other people from receiving the benefits of giving. If you’re afraid to ask (or you feel like you’re begging) remember people always feel better about themselves when they’re generous.
  5. THE PRINCIPLE OF GIVING – Fundraising is based on the biblical principle of giving. When people give to you and your cause, they’ll begin to be blessed by this principle almost immediately.
  6. SET A GOAL – It’s important to give your group a goal, an overall goal and individual goals. It’s best if your goal is a “set” dollar amount. Even if you don’t reach that amount, everyone will have something to strive for, and less will be likely to quit until your group brings in the funds needed.
  7. SET A DEADLINE – It’s best to fundraise over a shorter period. The most successful fundraisers are always done in 2 to 3 weeks.
  8. CELEBRATE! – When your fundraiser is complete, don’t forget to thank and congratulate your team. Fundraising is hard work. Your team members deserve a high-five!

Shelby Systems is committed to helping churches large and small streamline their giving process. We provide the software and the plan that can help your church make the leap to digital giving. To find out how, contact one of our Ministry Consultants today. And don’t forget to ask about our special Digital Giving Package!