Our purpose at Shelby is to supply the software and financial tools needed to help ministries and organizations thrive. This means that we are constantly working to give our customers the best quality products.
- One thing that we have been so excited about is the announcement of Arena Select in the Cloud. Cloud, or “hosted” software, is delivered over the Internet from an off-site location where the data is stored. No more hardware or software installations. No more virus software to update or software upgrades to deploy. The servers where your data is located are regularly backed up and protected by state of the art physical and digital security measures. Go here to see a video about Arena Select in the Cloud and the technology that goes with it. Be sure to check out the documents at the bottom of the linked page for even more information. You can also call (800) 877-0222 or email sales@shelbyinc.com with any questions!
- Another often requested item that Shelby has recently started offering is the ability to limit online transactions to debit card-only transactions. This is now available through our payment processing partner,Payment Data Systems (PDS). Any Shelby customer (Shelby Arena included), can now contact PDS and set your online giving, registrations, etc. pages to accept debit cards only, along with ACH if you choose. For additional information about our partnership with PDS, you can view our informational sheet here.
- Don’t forget! Registration for ISC 2013 in Dallas, TX is now open so be sure to sign up so you can get the early bird pricing!